Friday, January 13, 2012


Here's the first load of the new Scrap for SNAP money raising project being conducted by Billy McAbee. Four photos are attached. Billy sold this load today for $110.96. He previously passed out letters of introduction to neighbors and some business owners, explaining that he is collecting and selling recyclable metals, with all money going to SNAP. I signed the letters on paper with the SNAP logo in color, and asked donors to call Billy when they have something for him.

I'll check with Billy to find out how extensive he wants to make the effort, for an email announcement from myself, each of you, and others involved might get a big response in a short time. Perhaps others with trucks and/or trailers will decide to do as Billy is doing. Hopefully, we can all discuss it during next week's meeting, if there's room on the agenda. I've asked Billy to join us, if he is available.

Jack Templeton, SNAP Committee

August 10, 2011

(Photos provided by Jack)

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