Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Why I Want to Help With the SNAP Playground

(comments by Grace Drake, age 6)

If we don’t help the special needs kids, they won’t be able to play on the playground. They would still have to sit and watch all the other kids play. I feel sad that they don’t get to play. They should get to play.
Question: Grace, what if someone said to you, “You can’t do anything to help, you’re just a kid!”- How would you answer them?
I can help! You don’t know what I can do- and if you tried, you might be able to help, too-- but only if you believe in yourself.
Question: Who taught you to believe in yourself?
I learned it at school. Like in PE -at first I couldn’t do any sit-ups, it was too hard. So I tried again and I learned how to do it. I kept trying every day and now I can do 27, and soon I’ll try to do 30.

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